(Montreal, Canada) Following the events of the first patient diagnosed with the Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the United States and with additional healthcare workers testing positive for the virus, Sanuvox Technologies has been receiving inquiries on the effectiveness of UV disinfection against the virus on surfaces in unoccupied areas such as hospital patient & operating rooms or other areas where the need for surface disinfection would be required.
The Sanuvox ASEPTIX² Dual UV Disinfection System uses a primary and secondary disinfection tower to deliver an exceptionally high UV dosage that is capable of sterilizing even the most formidable viruses and bacteria. The UV disinfection system has been tested to be highly effective in disinfecting high-touch surfaces with ultraviolet ‘C’ energy controlling (6 log reduction) drug-resistant microorganisms such as MRSA and C. diff. in as little as 5 minutes in a standard patient hospital room.
Although the Sanuvox UV system has never been tested against the Ebola virus, the system has been tested against numerous pathogens which require a much higher UV dosage for deactivation in contrast to the relatively weak Ebola virus which is susceptible to high-levels of ultraviolet-C germicidal light.
UV disinfection (UVC 254nm wavelength) has been used in hospitals & water treatment facilities for decades and recently, commercially available mobile UV systems are used to disinfect the patient room following the terminal cleaning process. However, the limitation to UV disinfection is that it is a “line-of-sight” technology. UV disinfection is ineffective in shadowed areas where the light cannot reach. This can include high-touch areas such as the other side of a bed or bed rail, table, a remote or call button. As such, conventional UV systems require multiple positioning within a room to lessen the chances of shadow area that block the sterilizing ability of the UV light. In doing so, time and resources are spent moving the system around the room and preparing the room for additional treatments.
The ASEPTIX² UV System has completed multi-round testing by ATS Labs in Minnesota USA and has shown to achieve 99.9999% reduction on MRSA and C. diff. in less than 5 minutes. The commercially available ASEPTIX² includes many firsts incorporated into a mobile system. Features include a total of eight infrared motion detectors (360 degree protection around each of the two units) that will shut the units down should any personnel enter the room during the disinfection cycle. Wi-Fi communication between both primary and secondary units controlled and monitored by any Wi-Fi enabled smart device while logging all disinfection cycles.
According to Normand Brais, Ph.D. Vice-President Sanuvox Technologies Inc., “Ultraviolet germicidal light if delivered in the appropriate dosage is very effective in deactivating pathogens. The ASEPTIX² system is able to target surfaces in high-risk areas delivering an exceptional dosage of ultraviolet energy in uncopied spaces in a matter of minutes achieving up to a 99.9999% disinfection rate.” Aaron Engel, Sanuvox Vice-President Marketing goes onto say “Over the last few years we have seen at least a half dozen UV surface disinfection systems introduced to the market that work, but with the Sanuvox dual tower design, we are able to do the job more effectively and move on to the next critical area faster than ever before.”
About Sanuvox Technologies:
Sanuvox Technologies Inc. is a global leader in UVGI treatment providing advanced HVAC in-duct & stand-alone UV air and surface disinfection systems. For 20 years Sanuvox has been manufacturing UV Systems for medical, commercial, residential, agricultural, food, industrial & military applications. Sanuvox UV Systems have been tested by government agencies, laboratories and universities. These include RTI, US EPA and National Homeland Security Research center (NHSRC), Penn State University and McGill University. . For more information contact ATP on 01-8853792 or email atinfo@atpireland.com. For more information on the Sanuvox ASEPTIX², visit http://www.sanuvox.com/en/aseptix.php or watch the 6 minute movie at http://youtu.be/D27aj1iiUME.