SWEP Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers
Category Brazed PHEs
The SWEP Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (BPHE) is one of the most efficient ways to transfer heat from one medium to another. A BPHE consists of corrugated plates combined to create complex channels through which a hot medium and a cold medium can be distributed. The media come into close proximity inside the BPHE without mixing on either side of the corrugated plate, and energy is transferred from one to the other as they flow side-by-side.
The brazed plate heat exchanger offers certain advantages:
A BPHE is extremely compact. Installing a BPHE leads to an 85-90% reduction in volume and weight compared with a shell & tube exchanger of the same capacity. The BPHE footprint can be as small as one-tenth of the shell & tube footprint. This means great design freedom for every application – and reduced installation costs.
Small hold-up volumes:
The BPHE system holds only a fraction of the heat transfer medium. This implies lower initial costs, and the surrounding system components will probably become smaller and cheaper. In refrigerant systems, lower hold-up volumes are also an environmental advantage.
Maximizing material:
About 95% of the material is used to transfer heat. There is no “dead zone” outside gaskets because there is no need for gaskets. With a BPHE you get up to 25% better capacity utilization compared with a plate-and-frame heat exchanger with rubber gaskets, and up to 10 times better compared with a shell & tube heat exchanger.
The highly turbulent flow inside the BPHE makes it possible to exploit the benefits of working with small temperature differences. A BPHE operates efficiently even at temperature differences as low as 1K.
ATP now carry a stock of popular sizes suitable for hot water & heating applications, contact our office or visit our online shop for details.
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