Specialist manufacturer and supplier of heating equipment SPC (S&P Coils) has unveiled a new product that is set to revolutionise the trench heating market. The MINIB T50 is available now exclusively through SPC, and is the world’s smallest trench heater, measuring only 50mm in size.
Equipped with a specially modified 12V DC fan which uses only 3W of electricity per metre length, the T50 still manages a staggering heat output of up to 600 W/m.
SPC Specialist Products Manager Robin Wakefield said:
“Quite simply, there is nothing else like the T50 on the market. It is the only trench heater to fit directly into the floor screed of a building, allowing contractors the opportunity to fit the T50 as an afterthought, without the need for expensive floor modification.”
The convector body is made from aluminium alloy and forms one compact unit with the fan. The convector grille is designed for walking on it and is also made from aluminium, allowing the entire unit to be colour matched, either silver or light bronze.
Ideal for placing into the final layer of the floor concrete or into a very low step of the floor, the T50 is ideal for use in conservatories or similar.
Advanced Technical Products Ltd are the agents for SPC – MINIB in Ireland and can assist with any queries or projects you may have. Please contact our office on 01 885 3792 for further details.

MINIB T50 Trench Heater