Flowcon SM PICV Valve now available up to 10

Product release – FlowCon International are now capable of supplying the original FlowCon SM PICV up to DN250

We are pleased to announce, that FlowCon International has now released the new FlowCon SM.6 valve available up to DN250.

The SM.6 is built on the well proven technology of the SM range of valves, which have been in service for more than 25 years. As the remaining valves in the SM family, SM.6 valve is manufactured with the spring loaded rolling diaphragm, that is providing extremely accurate valves in a compact design. The valve is extremely simple with its intuitive display type and programmable actuator.

FlowCon SM offers:

·       Minimum operation pressure of only 35 kPaD, providing minimal energy consumption.

·       Fast and accurate flow control within ± 5% accuracy.

·       The valve regulate over 3600° and is therefore providing accurate response to any control signal.

·       Same programmable actuator available for all sizes of SM valves allow easy setup and installation without any special tools.

·       Standard pressure rating of 4000 kPa/580 psi.

·       IP54 rated actuator is suitable for 360° mount.

·       Multi flange connections.

See our product page for updated tech notes & instructions.

For any other queries, please contact our office on 01 885 3792